Let Today Be The First Day You..... Werk!!!

Press Play & Read

Great Tuesday morning guys!!! Today is a new day and fashion is in the air in Albany, Ga!! How can a woman be so creative, own a business, and put on the best fashion week all in the same slamming body?!! I'll tell you who in just a minute. I wanted to share with you how being humble can help open other doors for you. I don't label myself as a fashionista, but I will say for me to be the plus size bombshell that I am (lol) I do have a little style thanks to my stylist Melanie Dunbar and others. I was asked by an up and coming designer to whom I consider a kindred spirit, a sister, and I admire her spirit and her ambition; to participate in her upcoming event in our city: Albany Fashion Week. Of course I said yes! With this honor I knew would come hard work, dedication, and a will to push through yet another challenge, but she ensured us that as much as she would push us; she would be right there rooting us on. I have watched this young woman blossom into her own and in that time I've celebrated who she is as an artist, business woman, and person and on Sept 12-15 she will make yet another milestone in her career. I've shared her with you guys before and today she is my feature.

Her name is Charlie Hill aka (Chuck B.), a native of Pittsburgh PA, has been a resident of Atlanta, GA since 1997. At the age of 27, she is the co-owner of That Old College Vintage Boutique located in Atlanta, Ga. She is also a college graduate with a BA degree in Psychology and an inspiring philanthropist giving back to her community through artistic design. As an alumni of Albany State University, Charlie continues to lend their student activities advisor board a helping hand with their annual Rip the Runway Fashion show. The fashion show allowed Charlie to work on a large scale meeting new walks of life. In 2007, Charlie created her own entertainment business known as Chuck B. Moore Creations.  Chuck B. Moore Creations is known for hosting events, interior decorating, designing clothes, and modeling.
Charlie is a strong advocate and supporter of Breast Cancer Awareness with losing her mom to breast cancer when she was only six years old and her father being a conqueror of lung cancer.  Shes continually inspired by her surroundings to give back for a noble cause knowing she will reap the benefits in days to come.  With Chuck B. Moore Creations expanding it to new dimensions while following her life quote of “the race is not giving to the swift nor to the strong but to he who endures until the end”. Even with all that she has gone through to watch this diva extraordinaire at work is something of untold artistry in motion. She is so humble and yet determined to capture the essence of greatness in each one of us. Beauty is more than what we see on the exterior and confidence is just as big and bold as you make it. I'm learning that there is power in your presence and if you can feel someone's presence without them saying a word then that is only half of what makes you the treasure you are. I am so thankful to even be considered, but even more delighted that I get to watch her vision come to life for all of Albany, Ga to see! Her being willing to share the stage with other designers, makeup artist, and talent is a small glimpse of the character of this booming beauty.

Nothing comes to a dreamer but dreams, and it is very evident that Miss Chuck B. is truly living her dreams out loud. So in the spirit of everything fashion we salute you Charlie Hill and wish you continued success. From me and all of the beauties you have deemed runway worthy we say to you WERK!!!! Happy fashion week! Be fearless in whatever you do, and put your stamp on it like only you can! Remember to always make a trail in life that no one can erase; but few can travel. For more info about Albany Fashion Week and to purchase tickets please visit: www.albanyfashionweek.com 

Signing off,
Your Favorite Authors, Author/Plus size model for Albany Fashion Week
Heather Johnson

Let Today Be The First Day You... Have an open mind!!

Press Play & Read!!!
John P. Kee Brought Me Out

Good morning guys! I had to share this with you all and if you will allow me to be transparent for just a moment I will. I was on facebook and saw a post by a young man whom I know and it simply said this: A bitch is going be a bitch, and a hoe is going be a hoe#AintNoWayAroundIt!
So, after reading his post ans scrolling down to see the views of others I was a little overwhelmed to see how others felt and thought. Maybe because I am conscious that everyone has a past and that no one is squeaky clean when it comes to this thing we call life and I responded with the following:

Now you all know that I don't say anything unless I have something to say. So, let me do this in the most respectful way I possibly know how. If I hurt anyones feelings I apologize now, but I couldn't continue reading anymore. I'm sitting here in tears after reading the post and everyone gave their point of view; some I empathize with and some I may not totally agree with, but they are your opinions and you are entitled to them. I know a lot of times we speak and say things out of being hurt or out of our flesh and anger. I however am coming to you all strictly from my heart and I pray you all can receive this. On the subject of being a hoe, operating like a hoe, and not being capable of turning a hoe into a housewife.... I was the woman who had hoe tendencies and the lifestyle to suit. And because I am a full grown woman I can be real and transparent in sharing my story with you all. Anyone who knows me personsonally and others I make no secrets about who I was or who I am. I owned who I was for the simple fact that there were so many factors that played into why I decided to do the things I did. I was molested by family members not once but twice growing up and never told a soul until I wrote and published my book.

I was also in an abusive relationship physically and emotionally broken down to believe I was no one unless I was with them and I won't say I regret any of it because it all made me who I am today. I searched for love and acted out and did all of these things; jumping from man to man because I was screaming out for attention. I don't know about you ladies but I had a mother that was detached from me and I can honestly say never hugged me, showed me affection, or told me she loved me. So, when you talk about women being hoes you have to dig a little deeper into that thing. My life was not always peaches and cream but the last time I checked when God decided to forgive me, what man had to say about who I used to be didn't matter a bit. I am changed and I am not who I used to be because I decided to change.

 Not to get all biblical on you all but the word says; "Who the sun sets free is truly free indeed" So why would I sit around worrying about what a man may think about me when God has forgiven me? There is an old saying that says; "They say you can't make a hoe a housewife", but how can some woman's son become a man when he's been a dog all his life.... If that man is capable of changing then we both can change. Weather you want to make it a double standard or not they are both the same. A sin is a sin, no one sin is greater than the other. So, forgive me if I don't agree with how you all feel about it; I know who I am and I thank God for revealing to me that I am more than what "They say" I don't live for people and when I leave here it won't be because I allowed people to continue to keep me in my past.

 I am truly an open book and respect everyone I come in contact with but, if you based who you loved on the life they live or lived then you truly have a lot of growing up to do. Nobody is perfect and no one has all of the answers but I do know this don't count someone out because of the path they took in life. See most people won't tell you the truth about those skeletons in their closet, but just because they won't; doesn't mean they don't have them. So be careful who you deem worthy to be apart of your life or for you to give the time of day to. I'm sure everyone has a story and that if you told that story and If people truly knew it all they wouldn't be able to deal with it.

I said all of that to say this, everything happens for a reason. The post brought many to comment on how they felt. I for one am glad he posted it, however it might have looked to others I saw beyond that and realized thats what we are all here for. We all have a past is mainly what I was saying in my response. My comment wasn't geared towards anyone directly, but the masses of comments that ensued after he posted it brought my mind to reflection.  Sometimes we forget how what we say or how we react to something may affect others or what storm(s) others are going through. That post may have very well helped someone rethink life the way they know it, but what it did for me was remind me of how God saved me from me and for that I say thank you! There should be no apologies made for where you have been in life. Me telling some of my story wasn't to explain myself it was to maybe help someone else who may be confused or feel as if they are who others say they are and not know that you can be happy, live, and move forward without regret because life happens to everyone. It's not how you go through it's how you come out...

Have a great Thursday!!!

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