Just say thank you...

Press Play & Read

My weekend was way more exciting than expected folks! I hope you all missed me as much as I missed you. The city was so alive and everywhere I turned I saw a smiling face and people showing love to one another. Have you ever asked yourself the question; " am I too friendly or am I too loving to others"? Well, I asked myself that very question this weekend. I'm able to separate true relationships from casual ones, yet that doesn't stop me from being positive and nice towards others. It took some time for me to get to this place and I will say this; I am happier now to say that I can. Which leads me to what I want to discuss today.

I realized this weekend that no matter what others may think of the way I show love, I do it because it's genuine and it comes from a pure place. I'm well aware that some of the people I love on may not reciprocate that same love back to me; in public smiling and behind closed doors degrading me. One thing you have to learn is at the end of the day you are responsible for your actions and you can't control how others act. So, if you're led to say thank you, I appreciate you, I love you, or you're needed; do so and not be tied to the thought of how others may view what you are doing. People like to know that you notice them and their acts and if they have helped you even the least you should let them know you care. One of the things that is not guaranteed in life is time and we take for granted that it's not promised to any of us.

So in your search to find the good in others and appreciate kind gestures or others will to help you become a better person remember what I always say; "Love isn't Love, till you've given it away". God loved us inspite of our situations so at some point we are responsible for ensuring we give that love away. Loving those you know who despise you is a true test of character and the God in you! Make the devil the liar that he already is.

Edward Wingfield (creator of Skunk Bro. Clothing) & Dyshelda Leonard (owner of Fancy Boutique)
Homecoming 2011

It's that time again!!!

Press Play & Read
Friday's Fun For All Jam

It's Friday!!!!!!! Wake up and get excited about your weekend. You guys know that I'm not long winded on Fridays because this is our time to wind down together and give a big woo-sah to our busy week. This week was filled with greatness and I am only anticipating what the rest of the weekend will bring. It's homecoming here in Albany, Ga for the Mighty Albany State University Rams and you can smell the victory in the air. So, to all my grinders; button that shirt, straighten your tie, put on your happy face, enjoy this jam, and know that no matter what happens today it will all be over once you punch the clock. Enjoy your weekend wherever you are, find something creative and inspiring to do. The thought for today is: Life is for the living, so if you're going to do it; do it well! Great Friday to you all! Look out for next Friday's jam it's sure to take you out of the box!

Can't help it, If I wanted to...

Press Play & Read

Wednesday it is!!! Heeey all of my midday humpers. Maybe your day has gotten off to a sluggish start but I am here with my "S" on my chest (cape included w/ wind for special effects) to the rescue! I am a little late today because it's my moms birthday and I had to be the annoying daughter that I am to her at times, but it's all in love. Sometimes we get so frustrated and irritated with the actions of others and even with things we may do ourselves at times. But, in times like this you have to remember whats important. Happiness is so much better than sorrow, a smile is better than a frown so on this fine day even though it is a mid week bustle; find the greater good in it all. I woke up this morning thinking of what would be a good motivation for my readers today and it's this simple; find someone and say something good to them, you never know who you may be helping. Sometimes it's good to think of others besides ourselves. 1 Corinthians 13 says: 13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. Smile, it's almost over! Hope you enjoy the groove!

Jaida @ 3yrs old

I Got It...

Press Play & Read

Well, well, well!!! Tuesday is here and I am so happy this morning to update you all on today. I had the privilege to witness the awesome ministry of Kierra "KiKi" Sheard" on last night here in my hometown and it was nothing short of an experience! Remember that word because it is in that word that I have been seeking Gods face. When you are a leader you can't help what is inside of you and at times it gets trying because there is so much to be expected out of us. But, I found out last night during my worship that even we have to be refreshed and replenished to carry out our works.1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says: 19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. I have to hold myself responsible for I am a vessel and weather I like it or not I am charged to be a better example to Gods people.

Maybe this was what I had been waiting on for the past two days. So, the fact that I am alone (single) is a good reason for me to continue to ask God to hide me and keep me, even when I don't want to be kept. Denying myself at times is a test within itself, but if I have to do that so that God gets the glory out of it; I will. Truly amazing how he loves us after we have turned our backs on him so many times before when it wasn't beneficial to us. I thrive to be honest about my walk and real. I am guilty of it at one point in my life or another. So, If I can leave any encouragement with you all on today; I will say that God is real and he is here waiting on our yes so he can take control and truly show us how much he loves us. Don't learn to be a circumstantial praiser; meaning you only praise God when things are going good in your life. "You see the depths of my heart and you love me the same" You are amazing God.

My Daughter Jaida & I

It's Over Now...

Press Play & Read

I haven't been sleeping well for the past two days and normally when this happens I have to pay attention. For some reason God deals with me at weird times, but I know that everything he does; he does it in his own way. I've been so anxious about the blog that I actually for some reason have every topic I will discuss this week. This was something I never anticipated doing in my life, yet here I am and I couldn't be happier to share my experiences and good news. What I don't ever want to do is forget. We get so caught up in ourselves sometimes we forget that it was somebody bigger than you and I who has allowed us the ability to exist. We talk about the goodness of God, how He blesses us, and how we are thankful for everything He does for us; but do we truly take out the time to simply give God our best?

I'm inhaling deep breaths right now because I can be honest even if you won't and say that at times I know I don't. Wanting more of Him and wanting to experience a move unlike any other in my life is where I am now. So, I sit, I wait, and even if I don't hear a word I know that He hears me. I don't ask for riches or fame, but what I ask for is priceless and can't just be handed to me. How many of us take the initiative and take responsibility for ourselves and ask God what is it that we need to do. The answer is very few, because that would require us to step up and take ownership for our actions.

The best thing for us to do is be honest with ourselves. Yes, we make mistakes, yes we fall short; but admitting to it is what frees us and allows us to move forward. Our actions and decisions from that point on will dictate our growth. The encouragement I want to leave you all this morning is to never give up. You may not see the results of your praying or your works, but that does not mean He is not working it out. Delayed does not mean denied! Have a great Monday, do something different today, that will be the beginning of something new!

Charlene and I at book signing

Wake up!!!!

You're getting it! Press Play & Read
(and don't forget the volume for the full effect)

It's Friday!! You thought I forgot about you guys huh? Yea right; how could I! I normally don't talk about much on Fridays and for those of you who are new to the site, I typically inspire with my passion; Music! I've been jamming to this song all day on yesterday and couldn't wait to share it with you guys. Hopefully by now some of you are pulling yourselves together to get into business mode, but there is nothing like a "pick me up" and who better to give it to you but me! I hope this song brings a smile to your face, joy to your heart, a snap to your fingers, and bop to your heads out there. Have a great one and remember to Smile! It's contagious.

Things are not as they seem...

You know what to do! PRESS PLAY & READ

Well, is it Thursday already! I have been a busy mess this week (lol) and it all settles down once I sit down to update you all. Living is the best thing that any of us can do for ourselves, so I decided to talk about just that; life. I know some of us are not living the lives we expected for ourseleves, but don't let that stop you from giving it your best effort. I've learned that everything in my life that has taken place good or bad was not of my own doing; but of Gods. Sometimes we look at bad things in life and say; "that's nothing but the devil". Have you ever stopped to think if it was God looking out for you? For those that don't know the enemy can't do anything without Gods permission. You say how? Well I will tell you. Look at Job in the bible, he was one of Gods favorites and the devil wanted to make a point to God, so before he could do anything to Job he had to get permission from God. I said that to say this, you are more because of who you belong to. Our lives and our experiences are a testimony to others that no matter how hard things may get, God has the final say.

There may be someone who is feeling like; "why me", well I learned a valuable lesson about that very question when I asked it. If you were not equipt to deal with what life throws your way, you wouldn't go through it. My pastor said something to me that has truly stuck to me and I thank her (yes, I said her) for it. She told me the easiest thing to do is give up because it doesn't require you to do anything. But, the hardest thing to do is STAND when you feel like the floor is about to come from up under you, the walls are about to fall down around you, and everything around you seems like its crumbling. When the dust settles; and I've said this before look around and see who is still there. Everyone is not designed to go through and you have to careful that you don't get lost in your storm. Darkness may come, winds may blow, rain may fall, and even HELL (hail) may fall in your life; just know that He created it all so after the wreckage there is peace and that doesn't always come easy.

Knowing who you are and what you possess is part of the battle. Owning what you possess and walking in that takes you further than you or anyone else could ever imagine. Be the blessing that you already are. Friday is on the way and boy do I have a surprise for you guys! Until then allow God time to just be God in your life!

                                                 My stylist Melanie Dunbar & Myself

Just let it go...


I used to have a broken spirit and I used to hold onto hurts from my past so much that if I thought about it, saw it (people), or encountered it in anyway I would be devastated. It was so bad that it would send me right into a depression. Now, while I sat and wallowed in my hurt those people continued to live their lives. Truth be told the majority of the people who have hurt you either don't know the extent or don't care. I always give you real life situations and this all came 8 yrs after my grandmother passed away. As I sat in church on this Mothers Day Sunday in 2010 I could only think of her and then I looked up to see someone for whom I thought I had forgiven, but it was evident at that moment; I hadn't.

There is nothing like fooling yourself and boy did I on this day. The emotions and feelings of what this person had done came rushing back to me and I sat in church and wept, not because of the holy spirit; but because I was experiencing that hurt all over again. See alot of us do this Sunday in and Sunday out go to church with our hurts and issues and instead of letting them go and leaving them there we allow our emotions to take over and reminisce over those things that came to kill us or destroy our lives. After the service I approached that very person and I was more open with them than I had ever been before. I let them know that I thought i had forgiven them, but it was clear there was still unresolved issues and that maybe one day I can and I even told them that I wanted to; just that at that moment I couldn't. It took a lot of praying and asking God to deal with my heart for me to get to a place of being able to see this person and embrace them and not have any alt in my heart towards them. It takes something to just be real with yourself.

I had to learn that in order to say that I walk with God I had to love like God and I also had to forgive like God. I never understood how after all the scrutiny he received, he was able to love past those things and now I do. The scripture says in Matthew 6:14 For if you forgive people their trespasses [their reckless and willful sins, leaving them, letting them go, and giving up resentment], your heavenly Father will also forgive you. I've done things that I should have died for in my lifetime and God saw fit to forgive me, so why can't I do the same when it comes to others? People will do things that we may not understand, but in our hearts we have to be able to forgive them and also love them. That will let you know if you have gotten to a better place. Don't get me wrong, it won't happen overnight, but you have to be willing to LET IT GO!!! I used to bite my lip and not speak to those who have wronged me, but those battles are no longer mine to fight. Remember you are created in love and we have a heart that was created to love. I did it because of this little girl. So, what will be your motivation? Continue to move forward and live.

What if I'm the problem...

Hello my good friends! I pray that all of your weekends have been exciting. This is a new week, a start, and Monday is a new day! But, I wanted to touch on something that most of us won't admit and some of us are blind to. In our day to day struggles of trying to obtain what we consider happiness and being content with our lives and ourselves, at times we get lost in the midst of it all. Ever had times when it seemed as if everyone was against you and no one saw things your way? Have you ever been so hurt that you could only find the fault in others and not recognize that you may have been the problem all along. Well, to make you feel a little better and not feel as if you are the only one; I was that person once upon a time in my life. Do you see this face!

Yes me! I had the worst attitude and took all of my anger and frustrations that I had from another who had done me wrong and lashed out and hurt a lot of people in  my life.The saying goes; "The truth hurts" and what can be any truer than finding out things about yourself that you don't even like. I was miserable and because of that I didn't care about how  made others feel in the process. It took me being faced with having to look at myself and notice that i was doing more damage than good in my life. I found myself by myself and this was at a very young age. I hated what was done to me so everyone looked like "that person". So, how do we get back to a good place? The first thing in getting things that have gone a rye in your life back right is admitting that there is a problem. Now keep in mind yes there will be those who don't want to see you happy and as we call them "haters", but it won't be them in all cases. So, I had to recognize that I was my own worst enemy! It was like a knife in my stomach, but I had to face the facts. I had to reevaluate things and deal with ME! Since then I was able to move past so much and become a more happier person inside and out. If I could encourage anyone that is reading this and you don't know where to turn, ask God to fix it and even if he has to hide you while you are under construction; then so be it. God is love and if you love God allow him the time to get you to a better place. Continue to shine in the darkest places. You are loved, you are needed, and you do MATTER! Be blessed by being a blessing.

What are you going to be remembered for...

In my quest to make a difference, I realized that what we produce and the people we surround ourselves with matter. Sometimes we won't always have the right formula for success, but as my Bishop says; "How do you spell Success"? What may work for me may not work for you and so on and so forth. A lot of things that make the most impact have been tested and tried and initially failed. I have to always remind myself that where I am going is so much better than where I've been. So, even in deciding to be great and do what others wouldn't do you have to always remember to Live and own your happiness. What's the sense in doing the unthinkable if you're not going to wrap yourself in joy and stand on peace.

My motivation is ME and the experiences I've gone through in my life. You have to believe in you and for those that are with you in the process they have to be equip to go the distance. I stress all of the time about non believers and dream killers, but if you have those people around it only leaves you room to second guess yourself and your dreams. Fight for what it is that is important to you, never lose faith, never forget it could have been the other way, and always be thankful for those that helped you along the way. Everything we release in the atmosphere and everything we do matters, so; What will you be remembered for?

Me and my aunt Sandra at book signing

In Everything, Give Thanks...

Well look at the time! Ha! Caught you off guard today huh? Well, here I am and however late it is in the day I pray you have had a productive one. Ok! I know you're wondering what do I have in store for you all this evening and I can't wait to share it. I use to have a life of privilege and was accustomed to nice things, but in order for God to get my attention he had to strip those things away. I always wondered why was it that when God wants to get our attention he touches those things that we hold near and dear. Well I found out that sometimes all God wants from us is the same attention that we give those material things, people, and jobs we have in our lives.

How does this tell me about being thankful Heather? Well, I will tell you. Do you ever wonder why it is you go through some of the things you face at times? Maybe it's because you have lost your place and God needs to know if he can trust you. We often times ask God for miracles, increase, and numerous other blessings and forget about the mere fact that he thought enough of us to wake us this morning, or the fact that you were able to put a key into a door and open it and the door you walked into led you into the house that he favored you with, and lets not forget that he thought enough of us to allow you the opportunity to just exhist.

By now you should be blinking your eyes, moving the arms you have mobility of, shaking your legs that you were able to stand on, and opening your mouth and just saying; "Thank You Lord". Because someone didn't wake up this morning, someone lost all they had, someones life was forever changed in an instance and we continue to go to him more than we just give him thanks. Matthew 25:23 says; " His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord." Once God can recognize and you have proved to him that those "little things" can carry you just because of his grace and mercy in your life, then can he bless you. But, know for those of you who may feel like no matter how hard you try, things don't seem to be getting better; struggle not because even in your period of not having God has blessed you. I have been meditating on this song for the past two days and I pray it is more than a blessing to you!

No greater love...

Good Monday morning to you all! Today I was redirected in what it was that I would share with you all and I am not complaining about it one bit. In our search to find peace in our storms, others stories of triumph or undying love help us to know that there is always a silver lining, or in my feature for today Ms. Kimberly Matthews- Hooker's case; a golden one. I got online this morning as i do daily to check on updates, news, and stories i may have missed out on and came across this picture.

And with this picture a story of fate, love, loss, healing, and union. Now, I have never done a feature before and for my readers that follow you know it had to be something extraordinary to lead me to do so. It all started at a Borders book store... What a beginning to a great ending! I won't go on and on because i want you to read this captivating story for yourselves and you too will find that in your reading (make sure to listen as well) you will be brought back to a place of just being thankful for what God has done in your life. I know I have on this fine morning. Sometimes the most tragic things in our lives give way to the most incredible comebacks. You gotta love the fact that God is just that good! Enjoy your read and tell a friend!

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