Let Today Be The First Day... Learning to accept who is for you


Hello all! I know! I've been away yet again, but please be sure that I was always thinking of you guys while I was busy at work. Thanksgiving is near and its time for family, friends, good food, and fellowship. I find myself reflecting a lot of times around this time of year, because people that were close to me or dear to me are either no longer with us or I have been separated from them for one reason or another. Lets just get to the meat of it. When you elevate or have life changes, people around you tend to change or they are not fit to go to that next level with you. I am learning to accept these things as blessings and count it all joy that I am no longer in the place that I used to be. I used to think that "FRIENDS" would be the ones that were the happiest for me, but sometimes you have to sit back and reevaluate that word. I heard a PJ Morton song that summed it up.

 PJ Morton

He simply said this; "Friends I tell you how you know they're real, Friends through the hard times they still are there even through the bad times, Friends will love you all the time". My God! and I can back this up by giving you the scripture Proverbs 17:17  says; 17A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. The bitter side of that is that you have to evaluate those "FRIENDS" who are suspect. PJ goes on to tell us; "Check the motives and I hope you know this everybody doesn't really care. Some are there to get what they get from you, but they won't do anything for you"! This is the story of my life! I'm thankful that once I begin to transition and God begin to deal with me he showed me and is still showing me who is for me. There is nothing like having a strong support system, but they have to be on the same page as you and even though they can't yet see your vision; they believe in it as much as you do and most importantly they believe in you!

You may lose people you never could have imagined losing, but this is where you learn how to love people from a distance. Don't hold any ill will in your heart towards them because they don't get it! Everyone won't get it , but that's OK. Today's lesson was Mathematics (The name and the game of life) as PJ says. So I want to encourage you and say; Continue to move no matter what and know that it's a blessing sometimes that weights are dropped off of you. The higher you go in life in turn makes the circle of "FRIENDS" you have that much smaller. So, don't concern yourself with what "they" say about your blessings and how much you have changed. Change is good for anyone as long as it is a positive and productive one. But what I would leave with you is; Just as much as you want those "true" FRIENDS, you too much show yourself to be the same. Proverbs 18:24; A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

Today I am sitting here reflecting and have come to the realization that in order to let today be the 1st day you 1st have to make the choice to live!

Don't take it personal...

Press Play & Read

Lol! You may wonder why I am up laughing at 5:55am! Well I will tell you! First of all I am laughing because I've been trying to rest and not get on this computer and it's been like that diet you try to maintain, but keep seeing the donut you love and know you shouldn't eat. I've been a busy little bee this week and apologize for my absence. It is crunch time and if you don't know I am having an event here in my city to benefit Cancer and MS (Multiple Sclerosis). The event will be held Feb. 17th-18th in Albany, Ga and the out pour of support has been overwhelming and I'm thankful that things have fallen into place.

I'm learning to except people for who they are and love them inspite of, because they too will have to grow and become just what it is God wants them to be. So, don't count people out just because they are not where you are. If it means anything to you think about the one who no one believed in and see where they are now. Makes a little sense huh? Yea, I know it's not Friday and it's almost time to wind down, so I won't bore you today. But, While you get ready for the world make sure you give yourself a check up from the neck up and turn your swag switch on and leave it there! So smile, the weekend is almost here baby!

God allows things to happen to open your eyes, make you stronger, and help you become wiser. So, take the bitter with the sweet and as the saying goes what doesn't kill you, will definitely make you stronger! Enjoy your weekend and make it a great one! For more information on the 1st Annual It's A "S.H.E." Thing (sharing hope and experiences) Benefit Weekend visit the event website at: www.wix.com/itsa_shething/benefit Enjoy your Friday Free For All Jam!! See you guys next week!

Collette Jenkins (Owner) Chozen To Conquer Cosmetics
& Guest Speaker for It's A "S.H.E." Thing Benefit

This has got to stop...


Hello my friends!! Your favorite authors, author has been under the weather this week, but nevertheless God is a Healer! It is 4am in my town and that tells you my day has just begun. I have missed you all so much these past few days and I have missed out on so much, but my health is very important to me. So, while I have been green (not so well) I have had to do a self evaluation again! Yes, it happens at times and yes you have to go back and re-do everything you thought you had made a conscious effort to correct about you all over again. No sweat my pet (in my Steven Q. Erkel voice) this just shows your dedication to ensure that you are headed in the right direction to be the best you; that you can be. I always use my personal experiences for tools to possibly help someone else. So here goes!

I took a conversation between myself and a very close friend of mine that was in confidence and because I knew one of the parties, thought I was looking out for them, and shared some of that conversation. Yea I know some of you may be saying; "well doesn't seem hurtful to me" or " whats the big deal"? Well, I will tell you how that small thing could have ruined the trust that my friend had in me. I not only compromised our friendship, but I talked about someone whom I don't know and hadn't given a fair chance. I thought I was being a friend and looking out for my friend by telling them about the conversation I had, but in reality I did more damage than good. Now, this is where we see who is mature and mentally grown enough to make this right wrong. If you said; "well I would just apologize to my friend who shared the info with me", that's a start but that's just apart of mending your wrong.

I had to apologize to my friend who shared the information with me, then I had to apologize to the person to whom I spoke about and even if they don't accept your apology you have to do what's RIGHT! Put all egos aside, and remember that you too have had issues in your past, have lied, have done others wrong, and have wanted to be treated fairly and justly by others. I was convicted and that's just what God does to his children when we are in the wrong, but it is up to us to go back and make those things that were made wrong; right. I prayed about it and now my conscious is clear. I made a simple note to myself and that was; " I'm learning that shutting the hell up sometimes is just a good idea".

Many things could have happened due to me not being concerned about others feelings. I could have killed someone (spiritually), I could have stunted my growth as a believer, I could have damaged someone who has already probably had enough go on in their lives as it is. The list could go on and on. So, normally Fridays are dedicated to Fun, but whats more fun than knowing you made the right decision! The song for today should give you all the motivation you need! Whatever it is, it's not too late to get it right. Be mindful of what we say, there is so much power in your words!

Myself and Sharrod Hart (I Love My Readers)!!!

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